Sunday, March 29, 2009

How To Make Money Online

Is this yet another "How To Make Money Online" tutorial? Well, yes and no. Yes because you may find a lot of information here to be very useful to the beginner. Since I am actually documenting my own blogging experience here, you may find a lot of what I go through useful and informational to you. No because this is not a traditional how-to blog where an "expert" is trying to tell you what you should and shouldn't do. I am sure there are a lot of sites and blogs out there that can tell you that. Although as I tried to search for information online I noticed that a lot of "experts" are just reiterating what other "experts" are saying. In addition, a lot of sites are really not very detailed and are mainly outlining what should and shouldn't be done. I don't find those sites to be very useful.

I am hoping to document my experience here mainly for myself to remember what I have done and what I will be doing. In a way this is really just my diary. This is also a way for me to track what I do and how I am doing.

I guess my title is "Why Blogging?" and I should be answering that question here. Why do I blog? To make money of course :) But also for me to tell the world what I am thinking. I guess we are a vain species. We always feel the need for attention. Or maybe that is just me :)

Why do people blog? To share their thoughts I guess. The need to "let it out". Whatever the reason, it is making a big difference in this time and age. And with the Twitter thing, micro blogging may just be the next big thing. The need to blog is not enough, now we feel the need to tweet.

(this is a repost of "Why Blogging?" - to serve as an intro first page)