Saturday, March 28, 2009

Make More Money With Adbrite

I do not believe in the idea of putting all my eggs in one basket. That is simply too risky. In any business venture, it is always wise to have more than one sources - of customers and of suppliers.

I decided to add some more ads networks to my site. I have done some research online and a lot of people recommended Adbrite as an Adsense alternative. Some other ones are Bidvertizer and Yahoo Publisher Network. I have signed up for all three.

Signing up for Adbrite and Bidvertizer is pretty straightforward. They don't have that Adsense suspense of waiting for your application to be approved. For Adbrite, you just sign up for an account. It is the same for Bidvertizer.

For Yahoo, it is a bit more "interesting". I signed up and haven't heard from them since. A lot of people online said the same thing. Some never heard from them again. I expect the same. I find them to be a bit arrogant though. They don't even take the time and the bandwidth to send you an email saying that you are "rejected". At least Google is being courteous :) Maybe some of these big guys deserved to be arrogant. They are after all providing all these "free" services to the Internet public, so they should reserve the right to be a bit cocky. Corporate as*holism is what makes America great right?

Now I have the power of three (four minus Yahoo) big ads networks to help me conquer the world (of the blogosphere).