Saturday, March 28, 2009

How To Make Money With Adsense II

I finally got my Adsense account. Now I just have to find out how to plug that into my blog.

It turns out to be pretty easy actually. That is the beauty of hosting a blog on Blogger. It is so integrated with Google that makes it very easy to add and remove any Google components. That is the good and bad thing about Google products. Good because everything is so integrated. Bad because, well...everything is so integrated. When everything is so integrated it either is a match in heaven or match in hell. At this time, for me at least, it is a match in heaven.

All I had to do to integrate Adsense into my Blogger blog is to define a "gadget" in the template and add the "Adsense gadget". Nothing is as simple as that. Once I added my "Adsense gadget", the ads just show up on my blog. No coding required. No cutting and pasting of JavaScripts. I am a programmer by trade, so cutting and pasting of any code is not really that difficult for me. I have done far more complicated stuff, but the fact that it is so easy to create a blog here, it is worth praising.

Don't get me wrong. I am not selling Blogger here. I am sure I will find more faults as I proceed. But for now, it is actually kind of fun. I do feel more of a blogger than two days ago.

Now I have Adsense up, all I need to proceed is "optimize" my site. So more research on SEO (Search Engine Optimization).