Sunday, March 29, 2009

Submit to Digg and StumbleUpon

I submitted my sites to both Digg and StumbleUpon over the past few days with some of my "interesting" posts. Well, I check again and it seems that I am the only visitor checking out those links :) It is pathetic, but kind of amusing. Well, there goes my chance for my site to be "Dugged" and "StumbleUponed". Thank God I am hosting my blogs on a free site :)

A lot of blogger (for money) claim both Digg and StumbleUpon to be useless. If they do bring traffic they are mostly social traffic, traffic from social sites, and those people are not likely to click your ads. I guess that is what it is all about, people clicking ads (sad but vital). What bloggers for money want are search traffic, traffic from search engines. That is why it is so important to get ranked high on search engines (hence the SEO).

So that is probably the last time I will post anything on Digg and StumbleUpon, or any crap "discover sites" out there.