Saturday, March 28, 2009

How To Make Money With Adsense I

When I first signed up for Adsense I was rejected. The reason I got rejected was that my initial website had no content. I didn't know that you have to build a site first before you sign up for Adsense.

It makes sense. Google is a reputable company and they don't want to be associated with sites with no contents and especially with sites that are under construction. There is an image that Google needs to keep here and it is totally understandable. But I wish someone would have told me about it before I decided to sign up for Adsense. That is definitely a lesson I hope others don't have to go through.

When my initial site was rejected I actually felt confused and dumbfounded. I then went online and did a little research on Google and found out that a lot of people actually went through the same thing I did. That was kind of a consolation, but then I wanted to find out what it would take for me to be not rejected again. Because getting rejected once was bad, and if I got rejected again that would actually hurt my ego. As I am kind of an insecure guy, I really don't take rejections that well.

So I went on a programming spree and spent about 15 hours straight to create a site that I knew no search robot could reject. I created my first blog at I kept on refining the site and added contents I found interesting and hoped that the little search robot at Google would like it too. I actually thought that I should spend a few days on the site to refine it further before I resubmit to Adsense. But I was too impatient to find out if my new site have what it takes to be accepted to the venerable Adsense program. I decided to submit it anyways.

I slept at 7am on that day. That was almost an all-nighter.

So how does it take to make money on Adsense? All the hours of labor and my little all-nighter, that did take a lot. That was my first lesson that making money with Adsense is not easy.

When I woke up at 4pm, I kept on checking my status at Adsense to see if I got accepted. Every hour or so I checked, but for hours the status was still "processing". I finally gave up and decided that Google won't give me an answer until the next day. After all they said they will answer within 48 hours. So I assume they will get back to me "later". I have heard some guy didn't hear back from Google until about 5 days later. I actually hoped it did not take that long. That is how much it takes to make money with Adsense. It takes a lot of patience.

At around 7pm I checked again. And I was so happy to see that my application had been accepted. That was a good evening. I decided to just watch TV after that. No more programming for that night.